It’s a question that has sparked endless debates among marketers ever since email marketing began: What’s the right frequency for sending emails? The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as what works for one company may not work for another.
At Omniflow, we tailor our advice based on your industry, niche, and the specific services you offer. We’ve seen some companies email their list daily, which is quite aggressive, while others send emails just once a month. Finding the ideal frequency is a balancing act, and it takes time and testing to discover what works best.
When determining the right frequency, there are several key metrics to monitor:
• Emails sent per day
• Open rates over time
• Click-through rates over time
• Unsubscribe rates over time (a crucial indicator when increasing frequency)
• Engagement (such as sales, sign-ups, or responses)
The key takeaway is to plan your testing strategy carefully before diving in. We always recommend starting with a slower pace and gradually increasing your email frequency over time as you analyze the results.